Friday, September 2, 2016

Dng and raw decoded



                                                    The Focal Institute of Photography

Should you use DNG or RAW format? 
This is a standout amongst the most important inquiries that you as a picture taker need to ask yourself since it will influence your computerized photography work process. Each picture taker has their own say on whether to utilize DNG or RAW, yet it is essential to know the key contrasts between the two, alongside their favorable circumstances and burdens. 

In this article, I will give as much data as I can about both organizations, In addition to my experience and work process. 

1) What is RAW? 

Raw pictures, otherwise called "computerized negatives" are genuinely "raw", which means they are verging on natural information coming straight from the camera sensor. Not at all like JPEG records that can be effortlessly opened, saw and printed by most picture survey/altering programs, RAW is a restrictive configuration that is fixing to the camera producer and sensor, and in this manner is not upheld by all product items. Crude documents save the most measure of data around a picture and by and large contain a greater number of hues and element range than different arrangements. 

1.1) Advantages of RAW arrangement 

1) Raw documents contain full JPEG Previews that were handled by the camera, utilizing the camera settings you picked when you shot the picture. 

2) In addition to basic exposure information, RAW files also store other camera-specific data such as focus point, picture controls, etc.

3) Raw documents are completely upheld by their producers and in this manner work with camera-particular programming bundles, for example, Nikon Capture NX. 

1.2) Disadvantages of RAW arrangement 

Not all software packages can open RAW documents. In the event that you have a fresh out of the box new camera that just got discharged, you may need to sit tight for some time for programming organizations to make up for lost time and upgrade their product so that your RAW documents could be opened and chipped away at, even on the most well-known picture altering items, for example, Lightroom. 

Since RAW documents can't be changed by outside programming, your settings will be put away in a different sidecar (XMP) record, which implies more stockpiling and harder record administration. 

2) What is DNG? 

DNG is likewise thought to be a RAW picture document. It is Adobe's restrictive picture standard that was made to store picture information in a non-specific, exceptionally perfect arrangement, dissimilar to RAW records that have particular organizations in view of maker and camera sort. 

2.1) What are the benefits of DNG arrangement? 
1) No need to be worried about proprietary camera RAW formats – once a RAW file in converted to DNG, it will work with any software that can read the DNG format.
2) DNG documents are by and large littler than RAW records and can be made considerably littler if negligible or no JPEG Preview is put away inside the document. 

3) Changes to pictures can be composed specifically into DNG records without creating separate sidecar XMP documents to store this information. This improves document administration. 

4) DNG documents are equipped for putting away full unique RAW records and these RAW documents can be later  physically separated, if necessary. 

5) Adobe gives numerous approaches to naturally change over RAW pictures to DNG group in such projects as Lightroom. 

6) Not at all like RAW records, the DNG position incorporates checksum data in the document to identify and avoid document debasement. 

7) Adobe keeps on taking a shot at the DNG position, improving it quite a long time and including more usefulness and elements. 

2.1) What are the drawbacks of DNG configuration? 

Transformation from RAW to DNG takes additional time amid the import procedure. 

DNG does not work with all maker picture preparing programs. For instance, it doesn't work with Nikon's Capture NX item. 

DNG strips out a portion of the unrecognized meta information, (for example, Active D-Lighting and Picture Control) from RAW documents, making it difficult to recover this information from DNG later on. 

Since all progressions are built into the DNG document, you would need to move down the whole DNG record each time you roll out improvements to it. 

3) Should you utilize DNG or RAW? 

I for one want to utilize DNG for the accompanying three reasons: 

Similarity – it doesn't make a difference what camera I utilize today or tomorrow, my documents are protected in one exceptionally good arrangement that is setting down deep roots. 

Straight forwardness – all progressions are built into the same record and I don't need to stress over having one separate document for every picture just to store my post-preparing settings. 

Size – that 15-20% of additional space makes a distinction when you have a huge number of pictures. Why would it be a good idea for me to waste space by putting away data in RAW records that I needn't bother with? 

Certainly, it takes all the more handling force and time to work with DNG pictures contrasted with RAW, however the above points of interest far exceed the issues with RAW for me. I don't utilize Capture NX and inside the most recent two years, I haven't had a need to do a reversal to my unique RAW records. My reinforcement procedure is really less complex and smoother now, since I don't need to stress over selecting just sidecar records for reinforcement – I just reinforcement whatever photographs I take a shot at. 

To the extent whether to protect or not to safeguard the first RAW/NEF records, I for one keep my RAW documents until I go down my photographs to no less than two separate hard drives. When I am totally positive that everything is completely went down, at exactly that point do I cleanse my old NEF records to spare some space.

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